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Ayodhya to Lanka Hike~A Journey of Biodiversity on Long Island!

Adhvaith Sreenivas & Rathi Raja

Updated: Nov 1, 2024

Can we imagine a mini journey through the significant stops that Rama took on his way to Lanka, searching for Sita? Right here on Long Island? There were 5 points of interest, Ayodhya, Chitrakoot, Dandaka Forest, Kishkinda & Rameshwaram on our map below. From the dock one could peek at Lanka far away!

Over 80 youth & adults ambled along the trail and IDed plants using phone apps like Inaturalist or Google Lens, listened to the stories connecting the natural ecosystems in the Ramayana, explored the play between native and invasive plants, making simple commitments right where we live. Our GVLP youth urged folks to make a Eco-Pledge, with a simple array of choices, outlined at this link.


During key points of the hike, Mr. Raju Rajan, the founder of ReWild Long Island, shared his knowledge about native plants and the Ramayana. He captivated us with relevant ecological anecdotes from the ancient epic and how it relates to the ReWilding initiative. He connected the importance of native knowledge, people and ecosystems to living in the forests of the Ramayana. This enabled Rama to survive successfully in the dense forests. He explained that Hanuman, a native forest dweller of the Vanara race, played a key role in saving Lakshmana's life because of his knowledge about the forest and where to find the herb needed to cure him. His storytelling, profound rewilding knowledge and passion were imprinted on us all. We deeply appreciate him joining us!


"Ayodhya's roots reclaiming the block!"


"Chitrakoot's native comeback tour begins"

Dandaka Forest

"In Dandaka, native plants say: 'We're back!'"


"Kishkindha’s roots: natives thriving, invasives driving."


"Rameshwaram's green revival: locals only!"




Dev Chugh: “We wanted to share our fantastic Saturday experience on the Ramayana-Rewild walk with the kids. It was wonderful spending quality time together, surrounded by nature's beauty! Lots of great memories made and great to meet everyone”

Vinitha Shetty: "What a holistic, fantastic experience for all the senses!!!!

Many thanks to Raju, Rathi, Madhu, Smitha, the kids and everyone in the Ramayana/LI Rewild team for making it happen! Looking forward to the Earth Day event🪴🌳🌱"

Sonia Mohan: "Thank you Re-wild community, Rathi, Madhu and Raju for this wonderful experience. We learned a lot about plants! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us 🙏🏼"

Chitra Venkatramani: "Thanks Advaith, Rathi, Raju and the whole crew for an enlightening walk this morning! A whole new perspective on Ramayana+ecology!"

Sujini Govindarajan: "Thank you@⁨Raju Rajan Rewild port Washington⁩ I learned a lot today about native plants , invasive plants and what to think about when we think ecology. It’s was nice to hang out to YICG community and thank you Rathi for your (re)wild idea and getting our youth leaders to take charge"

Kalpana Bhandarkar: "Loved the hike, the tie-ins with environmentalism, native communities, Seva and the Ramayana. Thanks all for organizing and bringing us together"


Transcriptions of Raju Rajan's Talks on the Hike

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Sudha Padmanabhan
Sudha Padmanabhan
Nov 04, 2024

Very nice initiative to use Ramayana and tie it to the themes of local and invasive plants. Great initiative!

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